Worth more than 10 minutes of my time. America is being divided and broken. The demons running the show are corrupt; they enforce or ignore laws on whims, they erase borders, legalize drugs, defund police, aggravate racism, and pack on ten billion dollars a DAY in new debt - four TRILLION dollars a year. (This is the source of inflation, but the end of the dollar will be blamed on the failure of capitalism instead of corruption and greed.) The nation has purposefully been set on course to end in disaster. Sometimes I speculate it's because they know it doesn't matter - that some imminent cosmic catastrophe like a pole shift or asteroid impact will end civilization anyway.

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The destruction is intentional. That much is for sure. Maybe evil is at the root of it.

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He's absolutely right about the GDP (and everything else of course). GDP measures spending, including government spending. The GDP goes up when government borrows and spends more. GDP goes up when real productivity goes down.

The dishonesty of the government, economists, and the media is impossible to overstate.

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